Our Pastor

Pastor Brett Lutz

(Photo to Come)



       It is my pleasure to serve Aberdeen Baptist Church as their next senior pastor and to serve the greater Pueblo community. 

       My wife and I, along with our small, but hopefully growing family are excited to now be living in Pueblo, as community members and residents of the Aberdeen neighborhood. My wife, Stephenie, has strong connections to Pueblo. Not only did she grow up in the Pueblo area, graduate from Pueblo West High School, but was a member of Aberdeen Baptist Church back when it used to be The First Southern Baptist Church of Pueblo. Aberdeen, then FSBC of Pueblo, called Stephenie's father to come and serve as Music Pastor in 1997. They moved from Southeast Texas to Pueblo, Colorado. They spent several years with Aberdeen, until the Lord called my father-in-law to his next ministry. While a part of Abedereen, Stephenie felt God's hand on her life and surrendered her life, completely, to God thorugh faith in Jesus Christ and was then baptized in front of her church family, Aberdeen, shortly there after.

      I am, because of this history and existing partnership in the Gospel message, excited to be serving as Aberdeen's pastor and bringing my wife home to a church she loved from a young age. We look forward to raising our family in Pueblo and with Aberdeen Baptist Church. 

      I am thrilled to be able to not only share the Word of God, week in and week out, from the pulpit, but looking forward to engaging the community of Aberdeen and the greater city of Pueblo for the Gospel Kingdom.

A bit about me:

      I am one of 12 kids. That's right, 12! I have 9 brothers and 2 sisters. I fall almost in the middle of the family as the seventh. My parents had 9 boys before the first girl.

       Though having been raised in a Christian home, by wonderful parents and being active in the church ministry and sitting under my dad's leadership as youth pastor and senior pastor, I did not surrender my life to God until the age of 16. But once I realized just how much of a sinner I was and how much I desperately needed a Savior, God brought me to the Throne of Grace in repentance and made me realize only Jesus Christ could make me righteous before Him and Christ needed to be Lord and Savior of my life.

       By the power of the Spirit of God, I surrendered competely to God in July of 2017 while at a Student Life Camp in Wheaton, Illinois. My life was forever changed!

      The call to ministry came about a year later and I struggled with it, but the Lord's will is good and perfect! Becuase of that I was led to a Christian University in Michigan, where the Lord worked in my life to furhter drive me into His Word, Living and Written, as my foundation for teaching and preaching. From there I was led on a wonderful adventure through my single years, having the opportunity to serve as youth minister and lay teacher to various churches and ministries.

      Eventually, I met my wife, Stephenie, in August of 2017 and shortly thereafter knew she was the one for me that God intended. I proposed to her Thanksgiving of 2017 and we were married July of 2018.

      I am a Michigan State University Spartans fan, I cheer for the Dallas Cowboys (win or lose). I am an aspiring outdoorsmen. I love going for walks with my family. I love taking care of my lawn.

Previous Service & Education:

      I served for the last 2.5 years as Senior Pastor of Generations Church of Peyton in Peyton, Colorado. I have served as lay teacher of the young adults ministry at a few churches as well as youth minister, for a time, at a church in Mt. Morris, Michigan.


  • Degrees held:
    • Master of Divinity (The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary)
    • Master of Arts (Clarks Summit University of Pennsylvania)
    • Bachelor of Science (Baptist Bible College of Pennsylvania)


  • Ordination:
    • March 20th, 2022
      • @ Hurstbourne Baptist Curch (SBC) of Louisvile, KY.

Favorite Scripture Passage:

Psalm 1:1-6 (ESV)

Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of scoffers; but his delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his law he meditates day and night. He is like a tree planted by streams of water that yields its fruit in its season, and its leaf does not wither. In all that he does, he prospers. The wicked are not so, but are like chaff that the wind drives away. Therefore the wicked will not stand in the judgment, nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous; for the Lord knows the way of the righteous, but the way of the wicked will perish.